Любими дестинации


PROJECT: “HERCULT” – Development of the general tourism and restoration of the cultural heritage, project code ROBG – 491 under the INTERREG V – A Program Romania – Bulgaria 2014-2020.

About the program

The Interreg V-A Romania-Bulgaria program is a program funded by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund, ERDF). The aim of the program is to develop the border area between the two countries by financing joint projects. The total budget of the program is EUR 258,504,126 (of which EUR 215,745,513 from the ERDF).

The projects are funded: 85% by ERDF, 13% by national co-financing (Romania and Bulgaria) and 2% own participation.

За проекта:

Обща стойност на проекта: 1 499 992.54 евро

Съфинансиране от ЕФРР: 1,274,993.65 евро

Финансов ресурс за Община Силистра: 851 590,29 евро

Финансов ресурс за Окръжен съвет Кълъраш: 648 402,25 евро

Водещ бенефициент (ВБ): Община Силистра(България)

Бенефициент 2 (Б2): Окръжен Съвет Кълъраш ( Румъния)

Project goal:

The main goal of the project is to bring together the people, communities and economies of the Silistra-Calarasi cross-border region by participating in the joint development of a cooperative region, using its natural heritage and resources, as well as its cultural heritage in a sustainable way.

Project “Development of general tourism and restoration of cultural heritage” is co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund under the Interreg V-A Romania – Bulgaria Program

Lead partner

Municipality of Silistra, Republic of Bulgaria


Bulgaria, 7500 Silistra, 33 Simeon Veliki Str

Phone / fax: + 359 86 816 333 / +359 86 823 343